Become your own M.C. Escher in the 21st century! Learn how to sketch, design, and 3-D print your own Escher-like tessellations. Additional Resources: A link to a presentation about tessellation, i.e. covering the plane in repeated shapes: A Wikipedia article to a book The Symmetries of Things written by John H. Conway, Heidi Burgiel,…Continue Reading Escher Art with 3D-Printing
Wiki Tag: technology
RIOT Robotics
Come play with the RIOT robots! …Continue Reading RIOT Robotics
Using Computation to Self-Assemble Patterns
Self-assembly is the process during which a collection of relatively simple components, starting in a disorganized state, autonomously combine into a more complex structure. During self-assembly, there is no external guidance or direction, and the self-assembling components experience only local interactions and typically obey a simple set of rules that govern how they combine. We…Continue Reading Using Computation to Self-Assemble Patterns
Google’s First Great Idea: PageRank
Before Google, search engines didn’t have a great way to rank their results in order of importance. Instead most of them just found every single website containing your search terms and listed them in an arbitrary order. As you can imagine, this was not very user friendly. Search results were jammed full of insignificant and…Continue Reading Google’s First Great Idea: PageRank