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Escher Art with 3D-Printing

Become your own M.C. Escher in the 21st century! Learn how to sketch, design, and 3-D print your own Escher-like tessellations. Additional Resources: A link to a presentation about tessellation, i.e. covering the plane in repeated shapes: https://www.stem.org.uk/system/files/elibrary-resources/2020/05/Tessellation%20-%20M%20C%20Escher.pdf A Wikipedia article to a book The Symmetries of Things written by John H. Conway, Heidi Burgiel,…Continue Reading Escher Art with 3D-Printing

Using Computation to Self-Assemble Patterns

Self-assembly is the process during which a collection of relatively simple components, starting in a disorganized state, autonomously combine into a more complex structure. During self-assembly, there is no external guidance or direction, and the self-assembling components experience only local interactions and typically obey a simple set of rules that govern how they combine. We…Continue Reading Using Computation to Self-Assemble Patterns